- Market launch blend7Bfx: ubisys drop-in mobile SDKs for iOS, Android and Linux for app developers planning to launch their own Zigbee Direct product. This means that the first Zigbee software component ever certified by the CSA is now also available to other providers.
- Market launchS1-R (Series 2):ubisys launches its smart Switching Actuator S1-R (Series 2) for controlling an electrical consumer. It can be controlled either via Zigbee using a smart home hub or directly via Bluetooth (Zigbee Direct) from a smartphone/tablet without a gateway/hub
- Once again, ubisys leads the pack and is rewarded multiple Golden Unit designations by the Connectivity Standards Alliance:
For its Zigbee Direct Device, for its companion Zigbee Virtual Device, and for its Zigbee 2023 stack. This adds another three prestigious Golden Units to its track record and another award for Dr. Arasch Honarbacht as “Outstanding Contributor” - In addition to the ubisys Gateway G1 certified in November of 2022, ubisys also certifies a Matter WiFi night light

- ubisys first to release a certified Matter product to the market place (ubisys Gateway G1)
- Awarded prestigious Golden Unit designations for complete Zigbee Direct 1.0 implementation, including Zigbee Direct Device (ZDD) and Zigbee Virtual Device (ZVD)
- Market launch: ubisys Dashboard for professional data visualization
- ubisys Heating Regulator H10 for floor heating is now a Zigbee Certified product
- ubisys presents its Smart Lighting products for the first time at the Light + Building in Frankfurt am Main
Market launch: LED Controller LD6 (based on luminaire module BLEND/Z) with parallel operation of Zigbee 3.0 and Bluetooth (BLE)

- Global rollout of the following ubisys components:
- H1 (Radiator Thermostat) and
- C2 Mini (Floor Lamp Adapter)
- Worldwide market launch: G1/BLE+MC Gateway as special edition for Philips MasterConnect
- The introduction of automation templates in the ubisys Smart Home App allows for significantly easier navigation as well as configuration
- The next expansion. ubisys now moves into new offices at Neumannstr. 8-10
- Zigbee radio solution for ERCO GmbH
- Worldwide market launch: Luminaire module BLEND/Z (parallel operation of Zigbee 3.0 and Bluetooth (BLE))
- Integration of the battery-free EnOcean switch module for Zigbee Green Power into the ubisys platform

- Dr. Arasch Honarbacht is honored by the Zigbee Alliance as “Outstanding Contributor”
- Integration of the ubisys S1, S1-R, S2 and S2-R components into the Philips Hue Bridge with the possibility of controlling via the Philips Hue App
- Partnership between Signify N.V. (formerly Philips Lighting) and ubisys technologies
- Extension of the product range by Heating Control H10
- Cooperation with SLV GmbH
- Integration of ubisys Smart Home in Amazon Alexa
- The ubisys gateway as well as components now are Apple HomeKit and Siri compatible
- An ultra-compatible gateway solution is developed in collaboration with Qorvo
- Expansion to Neumannstr. 10, Düsseldorf / Germany

- Worldwide market launch: ubisys technologies Zigbee 3.0 Stack
- Worldwide market launch: Cloud services as an extension of the ubisys Smart Home Service platform
- Zigbee 3.0 and Zigbee Green Power certification of ubisys components – the first Zigbee 3.0 devices ever to be certified globally!
- Chip manufacturers Qorvo (formerly GreenPeak) and ARM® choose the ubisys technologies Zigbee 3.0 stack as the basis for their own platform offerings
- Cooperation with BEGA Gantenbrink-Leuchten KG
- “Golden Unit” award for the ubisys Zigbee Stack R21 and ubisys platform by the Zigbee Alliance
- The ubisys online store is launched: www.smarthome-store.de

- The ubisys Smart Home platform is presented at the Light + Building trade fair in Frankfurt / Germany
- Extension of the product range with following components:
- R0 (Zigbee-Router)
- C4 (Control Unit)
- D1-R, S1-R, S2-R and J1-R (DIN-Rail installation version of the basic components)
Global rollout of the following Zigbee components and application software: :
- D1 (Dimmer)
- S1 and S2 (Switching Actuator)
- J1 (Shutter Actuator)
- U1 (Zigbee USB Stick)
- Network Manager
- Smartphone Apps for iOS and Android

Worldwide market launch: ubisys IEEE 802.15.4 Wireshark USB stick
Worldwide market launch: ubisys Zigbee/Ethernet Gateway G1

- Continued development of the in-house Zigbee Stack
- Claus Felder becomes actively involved as a financial investor in ubisys technologies GmbH
- Installation of the first Zigbee components based on the ubisys Zigbee stack
- Financial backing by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology within the framework of the Central Innovation Program for Medium-Sized Enterprises (ZIM)

Networked programming solution for the ring accelerator FAIR in Darmstadt / Germany
- Change of the legal form into ubisys technologies GmbH
- Focus on wireless transmission and embedded systems based on the Zigbee protocol
- The start of programming an in-house Zigbee stack
- First commercially available product: RFID reader tailored for industrial and special applications of barcode scanners with mobile phone and WiFi connection

- Dipl.-Des. Marcel Apfel joins the company
- The name ‘ubisys’ is registered as a trademark at the German Patent and Trademark Office
- Funding by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research within the EXIST-SEED funding program
ubisys is formed by Dr. Arasch Honarbacht in Düsseldorf / Germany